Project Management Methodology

Lean UX brings ideas and the actual design of the experience to the forefront of the process, with less emphasis on deliverables. Not to be confused with Extreme Programming, XPM is all about embracing change and altering project plans, requirements, resources, budgets, and even the final deliverable to meet changing needs. You’ll find that most projects that follow XPM are shorter in nature—this isn’t the type of method to use on a long project that carries the risk of dragging out for months and months. Rather, it is fast-paced and requires short cycles of work and openness to feedback and iteration that can evolve the original intent of the work. You’ll find the Critical Path Method used for many types of projects, including construction, software development, research projects, engineering, and even product development. The first time CPM was used for major skyscraper development was in 1966 while constructing the former World Trade Center Twin Towers in NYC.

project administration methodology

The size of the project buffer depends on the activity duration in the critical chain. On the contrary, if you make the effort to understand the nuances of a methodology or framework and tailor it to fit your business needs, you’ll wind up with a successful project. I’ve been in the industry for more than 15 years working in the UK at London’s top digital agencies including Dare, Wunderman, Lowe and DDB. I’ve delivered everything from film to CMS’, games to advertising and eCRM to eCommerce sites. After the plan is approved, there’s little scope to adapt the plan unless absolutely necessary, and changes that are needed usually require change requests. The project then flows through the process from requirements gathering, through design, implementation, testing and into maintenance.

By pinpointing these potential events, a project manager can avoid unnecessary risk and keep the project moving at a realistic pace. The Critical Chain method is slightly different since it has a resource-oriented focus. The critical resources for a given project are identified by the manager and then a chain of tasks is set and implemented according to the allocation of those resources. The word “Kanban” in Japanese means “a card you can see” and this best describes how this project management methodology is used. Kanban is more of a visual method of streamlining workflow while using an agile method. One of the new, upcoming project management methodologies is lean six sigma.

Rapid application development (RAD)

And using work in progress limits during your sprint cycle , you can keep a continuous flow while still incorporating project planning, reviews and retrospectives as needed. Trusted by 20,000 businesses and 6,000 agencies, Teamwork lets you easily manage, track, and customize multiple complex projects. When choosing the right methodology, what it comes down to is making sure that its features are compatible with the type of project you wish to complete. The use of Kanban boards has proved to be very effective, so this element also aligns well with her team’s project development process. 🔻 Example of a Level 4 methodology — an adaptive methodology, one that can be applied to a set of similar projects. Hey, you might find that parts of Agile work for your team, but not all of them—and that’s okay too.

project administration methodology

This quality management process is monitored by a team with Six Sigma expertise. Inspired by the martial arts, Six Sigma uses belts to designate different levels of methodological mastery. For resource-strapped project teams, CCPM can be a powerful methodology. The Critical Path Method is best-suited for projects with interdependent parts.


It requires maturity from our clients to understand that we can’t define exactly what they’ll get, or when, but with some healthy trust, we’ll work together to deliver the best we can. Clients tend to love the idea of Agile because of its apparent flexibility to pivot a project, granting them more opportunities to change their minds continually throughout the project. Methodologies, at the end of the day, are carried out by Project Management Best Practices people—people with habits, opinions, and values. Instead of taking a trending methodology and throwing it at your people, use the ways your people think, relate, and work to build out a methodology that’s a natural fit. In other words, I don’t think a methodology has to be a complete full-stack implementation “system” to be considered a methodology. Resource Management SoftwareWho’s working on what, when, and for how long?

Traditional, or “waterfall” project management handles things sequentially, from the concept and planning phase through to development and quality assurance and finally project completion and maintenance. Project requirements are usually defined at the beginning, with little to no alterations to the plan unless absolutely necessary. The waterfall methodology is used most often for large-scale software development projects where thorough planning and a predictable process are paramount. Critical chain project management takes the critical path method one step further.

The goals and objectives of the project team must be on par with the client’s expectations. Toyota, a Japanese car manufacturing company introduced The Kanban method. The process of Kanban is to break down the tasks into smaller sub-tasks and mapping out the stages . The innovation must not take more than the resources allocated and the time taken to finish the project.

Projects that consist of teams of less than seven people who need a flexible approach to deliver a product or service. Projects that require flexibility and have a level of complexity or uncertainty. For instance, a product or service that hasn’t been built by the team. Doing this in-depth evaluation will help you choose a methodology that aligns with your goals, your team’s capabilities, and your stakeholder’s requirements perfectly. This methodology is best-suited for large and complex projects with fixed requirements. If you’re in the UK, you’ll likely want to know the PRINCE2 methodology.

Extreme Project Management (XPM)

Use the goals or project objectives you’ve already created as a team or organization in order to guide your selection of a project methodology. Clearly, your methods should be a means to achieve your goals—the best method is the one that guides you towards your strategic objectives most directly with the greatest gains and least negative impact. It’s a good and helpful definition because in reality, as project managers we use a hodgepodge of principles, themes, and processes tailored for our clients and projects.

For example, a project to publish a software update would include an activity to write the technical documentation, which should take 6 hours and is dependent on finalizing testing. Using CPM makes it easier to see critical and non-critical relationships between tasks and set timeframes for completion. Originally created in the 1950s for missile defense construction projects, CPM is best suited for big initiatives that depend on a variety of resources interacting in complex ways. One of the more recognizable project management methodologies, Agile is best suited for projects that are iterative and incremental. It’s a type of process where demands and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their customers. Scrumban is a hybrid of two other project management methods, Scrum and Kanban.

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Essentially, project management methodologies should be paired with similar projects. Agile project management focuses on adaptability to changing situations and constant, regular feedback – whether it’s from the client or from other members of the team. This is ideal when clients or management need to be in on the production process, resulting in changing requirements and drastic shifts in team assignments.

  • Requirements are defined in full at the beginning, at the top of the Waterfall, before any work starts.
  • This method involves a small, self-organizing and cross-functional team that works with a product owner to develop and execute a project plan.
  • Even on agency web projects, fixed budgets, timelines and scope provide a lack of flexibility for a Scrum self-managing team, on a project with a defined beginning and end.
  • From there, you calculate the longest path of the planned tasks to the end of the project, and the earliest and latest points each task can start without making the project longer.
  • It does little good to adopt the Agile method while still using a software that bogs down or complicates your projects.

They describe a complete project manager as a person who embraces multiple disciplines, such as leadership, influence, negotiations, politics, change and conflict management, and humor. These are all “soft” people skills that enable project leaders to be more effective and achieve optimized, consistent results. As it is considered that project complexity and project performance are closely related, it is important to define and measure the complexity of the project for project management to be effective. This is a vital phase of the project for the project team to learn from experiences and apply to future projects.

Adaptive Project Framework (APF)

Look at both what you need as well as what you already have in place to select the best method. Of course, some teams and projects require different levels of planning, flexibility, and documentation. And, it can be overwhelming to choose one “perfect” approach when there are so many options out there. PRiSM, or Projects Integrating Sustainable Methods, is a modern project management methodology that values sustainability over all else. The goal of PRiSM projects is to reduce the environmental impact of a project and drive meaningful social impact. Process-based methodologies approach work as a collection of processes, rather than a strict methodology that you apply to a single project.

One of the key features of Scrum is its focus on feedback and regular communication. The team meets regularly to discuss how they are doing, what problems they are encountering, and how they can improve their process. This constant feedback loop helps ensure that the project stays on track and that any issues are dealt with quickly. This methodology can help managers optimize schedules and allocate resources more efficiently. It is often used in conjunction with programs like Microsoft Excel or Oracle Primavera to help visualize dependencies between tasks.

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By eliminating wasteful activities so that more time can be spent on value-added tasks, LPM reduces the amount of time it takes to complete the project. Mostly, this would be medium-sized projects with moderately high complexity but fixed budgets. You would likely have an idea of the end product but you are also open to experimentation. You will need close collaboration, especially past the planning stage.

Master of Science in Project Management program today and learn about the variety of methodologies, practical tactics, and skills you can get exposure to with an advanced degree from Northeastern. Read on to learn which of the above approaches he includes in this list, what they each entail, and how to identify exactly in which situations they can be best put to use. Finance Your Education We offer a variety of resources, including scholarships and assistantships. After eliminating everything that doesn’t add value, there should be a smooth flow of sequential steps.

On paper, PM methodologies are tool agnostic, i.e. you should be able to use any methodology regardless of what PM tool you use. We have already connected the BigPicture with Trello and Jira instances in the same hosting model as the parent instance. We plan to enable easy integration with multiple Jira instances, regardless of their hosting models, and with popular management platforms, such as Azure DevOps, GitLab, Microsoft Planner, and more.

Teams work in short cycles, with regular releases, with frequent opportunities for improvement and alteration. This project management methodology is most often used in software development. If you need a methodology that helps you understand the interdependency of resources, Critical Path Method is a useful project management strategy. This approach involves gathering all the required activities needed to complete a project and sorting them by duration and dependencies.

As a project manager, you have several project management methodologies to choose from. Picking the right one will make running your project faster, smoother and more efficient. Integrated Project Management – sometimes also called “Integrated Project Delivery” – is a common project management methodology in creative industries.